
A long time ago when I was working as a technician at the United States Senate...

I was just starting to get interested in web development and learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I didn't have even have a name for my website yet and I was just getting started but one day as I was working in some committee's office, I felt hot and thirsty.

I felt like I needed some water and I noticed that one of the staffers in the office was also sweating and seemed bothered by the heat in the office that particular day. So before leaving the office that day, I offered the staffer a drink of water.

There was nothing suspicious about it, I was just trying to be nice. But later that day I was having lunch with some of my fellow technicians and I told them the water story and of course they jumped to conclusions and had some jokes to offer at my expense.

But then one guy in particular said, "Hey you should have offered that staffer some Cutlerwater instead" I laughed at it for a moment but it wasn't long after where I thought to myself, hmmm, Cutlerwater. It's unique and might be a good name for a website.

So sometime in 2002 while eating lunch in the Dirksen Senate Office Building's cafeteria, the name Cutlerwater was originated and obviously I've stuck with it ever since. So the next time someone asks me why Cutlerwater, I can direct them here for further explanation.

Thanks Joe Carnucci for helping to come up with the name. Now, does anybody want to offer me some Cutlerwater?